Organ Transplant in India has seen a new era of transformation due to the unprecedented development of the Indian medical science. Due to the years of clinical research and development, Indian medical sector has become advanced one and now the organ transplantation is possible in India and there is no need to get depended on the foreign countries for the successful organ transplantation. Now, Indians have the privilege of reviving the lost lives in their own country. There are several medical institutions in India, where multi-organ transplants such as cornea transplant, liver transplant, kidney transplant, bone marrow transplant, lungs transplant, and pancreas transplant are being performed in the best possible manner. If you want to get the detailed list of the respective transplant center in India then you must visit the website of Organ India where you can get the desired transplantation service. The certified transplant medical institutions throughout India have been listed on the website of Organ India.
Organ India was established with a mission to serve the Indian masses in reviving the lives through successful organ transplantation. While leading the needed persons on the path of the best medical treatment facilities, Organ India is also creating awareness for organ donation. It has become a dedicated platform for organ donation and organ transplantation and interlinking the donors and the needed persons so that lives on the verge of being lost could be revived in the best possible manner. At Organ India, you can also pledge your organs to serve the humanity in need. After registering yourself at Organ India, you would get an Organ Donor Card which will a representative of your desire or willingness to donate your organ to the needy ones.
At Organ India, you can easily find all your queries being resolved in a detailed manner and you would come to know about the different aspects of the organ donation and transplantation If a donor wishes to donate his organ to serve the humanity and he is looking for a reliable platform then Organ India is there to assist a person in performing the most humane act. One can easily register, pledge the desired organ/organs be donated and claim a donor card. All the pledges of the donors received on the Organ India are forwarded to the National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO), being managed by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. Even a person has registered himself and having a donor card, the consent of the family is mandatory to proceed with organ removal from the deceased body.